Prayer Chain

We support each other in prayer through the prayer chain. You may choose your preferred method of contact - email or telephone. Please contact the church office (547-3400) if you would like to participate or request prayer.

Sea Aire Visitation Team

Contact the church office (547-3400) if you would like to be involved in this rewarding ministry with the residents of this assisted living community.

Special Missions

The congregation supports the mission of the greater church and our local community by using "My Special Mission Offering" envelopes. This allows each member to designate which mission they want to support and give as often as they can.

These Special Missions include:

  • South Lincoln Resources (SLR)
  • SLR Emergency Voucher Fund to assist those in need of assistance.
  • Partnership with Yachats Youth and Family Activities Program (YYFAP)
  • Youth and Families Together: We gather for monthly community meals, where the children hear a story read to them and can take the book home with them.  Crafts and activities are also provided.
  • Waldport Food Share
  • Yachats Food Pantry
  • Our Deacons' Discretionary Fund for members and friends in need of assistance.
  • Ecumenical support of Habitat for Humanity
  • Ecumenical support for The Souper Bowl of Caring: a movement that has transformed Super Bowl Sunday into a day of giving that raised over 10 million dollars this year alone for hunger related charities.

We also have a monthly "Mission Focus," to raise funds more specifically.

South Lincoln Resources

South Lincoln Resources serves people in need of assistance from Tidewater, Five Rivers, Seal Rock, Waldport, Yachats and Tenmile.

YCPC participates by donating Furniture and Appliances, Medical Equipment, Holiday Food Baskets, and monies collected through special offerings.

Partnership with Yachats Youth

YCPC partners with Yachats Youth and Family Activities Program (YYFAP) to provide a monthly dinner in the Fellowship Hall with the youth, their families and church members.

South Lincoln Resources Emergency Voucher Fund

The vouchers issued by YCPC have helped to provide emergency assistance with utilities, rent, prescriptions, and gas.

Souper Bowl

Souper Bowl of Caring equips and mobilizes congregations, schools and businesses to positively impact their communities by collecting money or food on or near Super Bowl weekend. 100% of the collections are donated directly to the charity of each group's choice.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Our congregation also gives when needed to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, which works ecumenically around the globe through Church World Service.

Heifer International

Heifer International's mission of ending world hunger and poverty and caring for the earth is being achieved through a holistic approach to build sustainable communities. YCPC has contributed monies from the loose change placed in the offering plate.





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